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Clear Filter Display on Map Display on Hybrid Display in List Price Range: MIN ANY 20,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000 250,000 275,000 300,000 325,000 350,000 375,000 400,000 425,000 450,000 475,000 500,000 525,000 550,000 575,000 600,000 625,000 650,000 675,000 700,000 725,000 750,000 775,000 800,000 825,000 850,000 875,000 900,000 925,000 950,000 975,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,250,000 1,300,000 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 1,700,000 1,750,000 1,800,000 1,900,000 2,000,000 2,250,000 2,500,000 2,750,000 3,000,000 3,250,000 3,500,000 3,750,000 4,000,000 4,250,000 4,500,000 4,750,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000 MAX ANY 20,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000 250,000 275,000 300,000 325,000 350,000 375,000 400,000 425,000 450,000 475,000 500,000 525,000 550,000 575,000 600,000 625,000 650,000 675,000 700,000 725,000 750,000 775,000 800,000 825,000 850,000 875,000 900,000 925,000 950,000 975,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,250,000 1,300,000 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 1,700,000 1,750,000 1,800,000 1,900,000 2,000,000 2,250,000 2,500,000 2,750,000 3,000,000 3,250,000 3,500,000 3,750,000 4,000,000 4,250,000 4,500,000 4,750,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000 No limit Lot Size: MIN ANY 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 MAX ANY 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 Bedrooms: MIN ANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 MAX ANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bathrooms: MIN ANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 MAX ANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 Garage: MIN ANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 MAX ANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 SQ. Footage: MIN ANY 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 8000 10000 MAX ANY 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 8000 10000 15000 Year Built: MIN ANY No limit 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1930 1900 1850 1800 MAX ANY 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1930 1900 1850 1800 PROPERTY TYPE LOCATION County City Neighborhood Zip TITLE STATUS Bank/Real Estate Owned Foreclosure Probate Short Sale A list of the source(s) of water for the property At Street Individual Meter Individual Well Nearby On-Site Other Private Public Shared Well Well A view as seen from the listed property. City City View(s) Scenic View(s) Accessibility Features Accessible Entrance Handicap Accessible Handicap Equipped Handicapped Equipped No Association Amenities Beach Rights Boat Dock Clubhouse Clubroom Elevator(s) Fitness Center Garden Area Golf Course Hot Water Laundry Paddle Tennis Park Parking Playground Pool Putting Green Recreation Facilities Sauna/Steam Storage Tennis Court(s) Trail(s) Association Fee Frequency Annually Monthly Quarterly Unknown Association Fee Includes Air Conditioning Electricity Gas Heat Insurance Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Structure N/A Reserve Funds Road Maintenance Security Sewer Snow Removal Trash Water Basement Bulkhead Concrete Crawl Space Dirt Floor Finished Full Garage Access Interior Entry N Partial Partially Finished Radon Remediation System Slab Sump Pump Unfinished Walk-Out Access Y Community Features Adult Community Bike Path Conservation Area Golf Highway Access House of Worship Laundromat Marina Medical Facility Other Park Pool Private School Public School Public Transportation Shopping Sidewalks Stable(s) Tennis Court(s) T-Station University Walk/Jog Trails Cooling 3 or More Active Solar Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) Central Air Common Dual Ductless ENERGY STAR Qualified Equipment Fan Coil Geothermal Heat Pump High Seer Heat Pump (12+) Individual None Other Overhangs Abv South Facing Windows Passive Cooling Unit Control Wall Unit(s) Whole House Fan Wind Window Unit(s) Elementary School 0 Abner Gibbs Ac Whelan Academy Avenue Aces Acushnet Acushnet Elem Adams/Cheshire Aes Agawam Aitken Akin Alcott Alcott Elem Alden Alice M Barrows Alice Macomber Allendale Altavesta Ambrose Ames Amesbury Amherst Angelo Angier Angier/Zervas Ann T Dunphy Apply Argenziano Arlington Arlington Eleme Arms Armstrong Ashby Elem. Ashby Elementry Ashley Ask Bps Assawompset Assawompsett Assawompsett El At Cummings Atherton Atherton Hough Athol Community Atkinson Auburn Auburn Public Avery B.F. Norton Ba Bagnall Baker Baker/Heath Balch Balmer Bancroft Barbieri Barnstable Barrows Batchelder Bates Bates Elementar Bcklnd-Shelbrn Beachmont Beal Beaver Brook Becket Washingt Beckett Beebe Beebe Elem Beechwood Knoll Beeman Elem Beethoven Elem Belcher/Litwin Belchertown Ben Hem Ben Hem Elem Ben-Hem Benjamin Brown Bennett Elem. Bennett-Hemenwa Berkley Berlin Berlin Elementa Bern. Elem Bernardston Bernazanni Bernazzani Bes Bes Bis Bes/Bis Betsey Winslow Birch Meadow El Bis Bishop Bishop/Stratton Blanch Ames Blanchard Blanche Ames Blueberry Hill Boland School Boston Boston Pub. Sch Boston Public Boston Public S Bourndale Bourne Bournedale Bournedale Elem Bout/Shaw/West Boutwell Bowen Bowen/Memspauld Bowen/Spaulding Bowman Boyden Boylston Bps Bps/Private Brackett Brackett/Dallin Bradford El Bradford Elm Bresnahan Bresnahan/Molin Brewster Brickett Bridge Bridge St Bridge Street Briggs Brimfield Brimfield Elem Broad Meadows Broadmeadow Brookfield Brookline High Brooks Brookside Brophy Brown Brown School Brown/Gardner Brown/Village Bryantville Bryn Mawr Buck/Shelb. Bues Buffer Burbank Burgess Burgess Ele Burgess Elem Burke Memorial Burke School Burke-Mem/Mcgov Burke-Memorial Burkland Burr Burrell Butler Byam C.E.S C.E.S. Cabot Call Dps Call Rps Call Supt Call Supt. Callahan Calvin Coolidge Cambridge Campbell Capuano Carlisle Carlisle Campus Carlisle Public Carter Brooks Carver Elem Carver Elemen Carver Gs Carver Public Cashman Cedar Cedar/Center Center Center School Center/Marston Center/Ohs Centerville Ele Central Enroll Centre Ces Cgs Chace Street Chandler Chandler/ Alden Chandler/Alden Chapin Char. Elem/ Her Charles Jaworek Charles Sumner Charles Taylor Charlton Charlton Elem Charlton Elem. Charlton Elemen Charlton St Chatham Chatham/Monomoy Chestnut Hill Chestnut/Swift Chickering Chilmark School Choice Choice Of 2 Choice Of 3 Choice Of 5 Choice Of 6 Choice Of Six Choice/Lottery Clara Barton Clarksburg Claypit Cleveland Clevland Clifford Marsha Cliffordmarshal Clinton Clinton Elem Clinton Element Clough Clyde Brown Cntryside/Ang Cold Spring Cole Cole/Spofford Colgrove Collicot Colonial Park Colrain Central Columbus Columbus Park Community Conley Connery Conway Elem Conwell Coolidge Coombs Cottage Cottage St Countryside Countrywoodland Cove Elementary Cps Craneville Craneville Elem Crocker Farm Crocker Farm Es Cs/Ohs Cummings Cunnif Cunniff Cunningham Curley Cushing Cushing Elem Cushmnan Dale Street Daley Dallin Daniel Webster Danville Elem David Ellis Davis Davis / Lane Davis Hill Davis/Lane Dawe Day Day Miller Day School Dedham Public Deer Hill Deerfield Deerfield Elem Deerhill/Osgood Delaney Demello Demello School Dennett Dept Of Ed Des Devalles Devotion Dewing Dewing School Ditson Dolbeare Donaghue Sweet Donovan School Douglas Douglas Es Downey Downey School Doyon Dracut Dracut Ps Driscoll Dudley Dutile Duval Dy E Taunton Elem E Taunton Elem. Early Childhood East East Brookfield East Derry East Elementary East Fairhaven East Falmouth East Gloucester East Meadow East School East Somerville East St East Street East Taunton Es East Veterans East/Harris Brk Eastford Rd Eastford Road Eastham Easthampton Easton Public Edgartown Egremont Elc Elementary Elementary Sch Eliot Eliot Elem. Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Pole Elliot Ellison Ellison Parks Elm Elm & Waterford Elmer S Bagnall Elmwood Elmwood St Elm Emerson Englesby Erving Essex Essex Elementar Estabrook Esten Etes/Hopewell Excel Ezra H Baker Fales Fall Brook Fallbrook Falmouth Fantastic Farmingtonriver Federal Street Finn/Neary Finn/Neary/Wood Finn/Wdwd/Neary Finn/Woodward Fischer Fisher Fisher Hill Fisk Fiske Fitchburg Fitzgerald Flagg Flagg St Floral Florence Roche Florence Sawyer Florida Ridley Florida Ruffin Fonseca Ford Forest Avenue E Forestdale Fort River Fort/Atc Foster Four Corners Fox Hill Fox Hill Elem Francis T Bresn Francis Wyman Frank M Silvia Franklin Franklin Ave. Freeman Kennedy Freetown Freetown Elem Frost Fuller Meadow Fuller/Howe Gardner Gardner Element Gardner Public Gardner/Brown Gates Gates Lane George Potter George R Martin Ges Gfb/Atc Gibbons Gilmore Glou. P.S. Gloucester Glover Glover/Tucker Gmrsd Gomes Gomes School Good Year Goode Goodnow Goodyear Gracefarrarcole Grafton Grafton St Elem Granby Green Meadow Green Meadows Greenfield Greenhagle Greenlodge Greenlodge Elem Greenmeadow Greenmont Greenwood Gro Groton Guiteras Gws H H Richardson H Olive Day H. H. Galligan H.B. Lawrence H.Olive Day/Fk Hadley Hajjar Hale Elementary Haley Halifax Elem Halifax Elem. Hamilton Hamilton Wenham Hammond Hancock Hannah Hansen Happy Hollow Hardwick Hardy Harrington Harrington Elem Harvard-Kent Harwich Harwich Elem. Hastings Hatfield Hatherly Hawlemont Hayes Haynes Hbb Heard Street Heath Heath/Baker Hedge Heights Helen Hansen Helen Keller Henry E Warren Henry Grew Henry Lord Henry P Clough Heritage Hes High Floor High Plain High Plain Es Highland Highlands Hildreth Hildreth Elem Hildreth Elemen Hill Roberts Hill School Hillcrest Hill-Roberts Hills Garrison Hillside Hilltop Hingham Hobomock Hobomock Elem Hod Hod/Fk Hod/Freeman Holland Holland Elem Holland Element Holmes Homer Street Hoosac Valley Hopk Hopkinton Horace Mann Horace Mann Lab Hosmer Houghton Howard School Howe Manning Howe-Manning Hubbardston Hubbardston Ctr Huckleberry Hull Hunnewell Huntington Hyannis West Hyde Park Hyman Fine Igo Indian Brook Indian Head Indian Orchard Ipswich Israel Loring J F Kennedy Mem J R Lowell J Turner Hood J Warren Klm Ja Elementary Jackson Street Jackson/Wood Jacob Jacob Hiatt Jacobs James Clark James F. Condon James M Quinn James Otis Jcs/Hay Jefferson Jenkins Jfk Jfk Elementary Jfk/Maloney John A Bishop John F Kennedy John F. Kennedy John Mcglynn John W Decas Johnson Johnson/Nahant Johny Appleseed Jordan Jackson Jordan/Jackson Joseph J Hurley Joseph Lee Joseph Osgood Joseph Tynan Josiah Haynes Joyce Kilmer Jr Briggs Julia Bancroft Kane Keller Kennedy Kennedy School Kent Kes Kes/Kis Killam Kilmer King Elementary King Open Kingston E. Kingston Elem Kittredge Kozial L D Batchelder La Liberty Lafayette Laliberty Lane/Davis Lanesboro Lanesborough Laura White Lawence Lawrence Lawrence/Pierce Lee Lee Academy Lee Elem Leeds Leeds Elem Leicester Leicester Elem Leroy Wood Leverett Leverett Elem. Lexington Lg Nourse Elem Lgn Liberty Liberty & Ross Lilja Lilja Elem Lillian Jacobs Lincoln Lincoln Complex Lincoln Elem Lincoln Eliot Lincoln Elliot Lincoln Hancock Lincoln School Lincoln/Heath Lincoln-Eliot Lincoln-Hancock Linscott Little Littleton Ele. Lliberte/Merril Local Loker Londonderry Ele Loring Lottery Louise Conley Lowell Lowell Public Lps Luce Lunenburg Lura A White Lura A. White Lynch Lynn Woods Macomber / Wes Macomber/Wes Major Edwards Malcolm White Mancessex Manchester Manomet Manomet Elem. Mapleshade Mar/Elm/Hopkins Maraelmhopkins Marathon Marcella Margaret L Dono Maria Hastings Mario Umana Marsh Marsh Grammar Marsh School Martin Martin Elem Martinson Mary Flaherty Mary Fonseca Mary Fonseca El Mary Goode Mary K Goode Mary K. Goode Mary M. Lynch Mary Rowlandson Mason Elem. Mason Rice Mason-Rice Masonrice/Bowen Mather Mather Element Mather School Mattahunt May Street Mcauliffe Mcdonough Mcglynn Mcglynn/Roberts Mcgovern Mckay Mckay Elem Mcmahon Elem Me Small Meadow Brook Meeting House Meetinghouse Mem Spaulding Mem/Countryside Mem/Dale/Wheel Mem/Wheel/Dale Memorial Memorial Park Memorial School Memorial Spauld Memorial/Dale Mendell Merril/Lalibert Merrill & Lalib Merrill/Lalib Mersd Mersd Memorial Methuen Mhd Middleton Midland Midland Street Mildred Aiken Mile Tree Mile Tree Elem Miller Miller Elem. Miller/Day Millville Milton Schools Mindess Mitchell Mmes Monomoy Montclair Moody Morningside Com Morrison Mountain View Mountainview Mps Muddy Brook Muddy Brook Ele Mulcahey Mullen Hall Mullen-Hall Munger Munger Hill Muraco Murphy N Brookfield N Elementary N Falmouth N.Grafton Elem N.Grafton Elem. Nab/Abbot Nabnasset Naquag Narragansett Nathan Hale Nathaniel Morto Nathanielmorton Natick Nb Elementary Nes New Braintree New Hingham Newbury Newbury Element Newburyport Newman Newton Newton School Newton St Nixon Nm Central Nmrsd Norris North North Beverly North End North Falmouth North Grafton North Street Northbridge Northeast Northfield Northwest Nourse/Yelle Noyes Nps Oak Oak Bluffs Oak Street Oakdale Oakham Center Of Choice Old Mill Pond Old Post Road Old Post School Oldham Orleans Orleans Element Osgood Osgood/Deer Hil Osgood/Deerhill Osgood/Dh Other Page Page Hilltop Page-Hilltop Pakachoag Palmer River Paper Mill Papermill Park Ave Park Ave Elem Park Avenue Parker Parmenter Paton Patrick Kennedy Paul Revere Pauline Agassiz Pawtucket Memor Pboe Peaslee Peirce Peirce School Pelham Pelham Elem Pembroke North Penn Brook Penn Brook Elem Pentucket Lake Per Board Ed Per Board Of Ed Per Boe Per Dept Of Ed Perkins Perry Peter Noyes Peter Woodbury Phelps Phillipston Ele Pierce Pierce K-8 Pierce School Pierce/Dallin Pierce/Driscoll Pierce/Lincoln Pine Glen Pine Grove Pine Hill Pine Hill Elem Placent/Miller Placentino Placentino Elem Placentino/Milr Plains Plymouth Plymouth River Plympton Pollard Pottenger Prescott Elem. Primary Proctor Proctor/Stewart Provincetown Pses Public Public/Private Pulaski Putnam Elem Pvt/Bps Qps Quashnet Elem. Quincy Public Quinn Quinn Elem Quinsigamond Ralph Talbot Randolph Raymond Raymond E Shaw Rcs Rebecca Johnson Reeves Reeves School Reilly Reingold Rem Rent Includes.. Res Rh Conwell Rice Square Richer Elem Riverdale Riverdale Elem Riverside Rkfrr Rms Ro Rob/Crisafull Rob/Crisafulli Rob/Jj Robert Frost Roberts Robin & Crisaf Robin Hood Elem Robinson Robinson/Jj Rockport Rockport Es Rockport Public Roosevelt Roosvelt Ross Ross Elementary Rowe Rowe Elem Rowlandson Ruffin Ridley Ruggles Lane Runkle Rupurt Nock Ryal Side Ryan Ryan Elem. Ryan Road Salem High Salem Public Salisbury Salisbury Elem Salisbury Elem. Sam Adams Samuel Bowles Samuel Watson Sanborn Sanderson Acad Sandwich Sargent Savoy Schofield School Board School Choice Seabrook Elem Seach See Dept Of Ed See Supt Ses Sewell Anderson Sewell-Anderson Sges Sgt Wm H Carney Shaker/Russel Shaker/Russell Shamrock Shaughnessy Shaw Elementary Shaw Pauline Shawsheen West Shay/Cashman Sheehan Elem Shirley Shurtleff Shutesbury Elem Silver Hill Silvia Silvio O Conte Sippican Sippiocan Sisson Smith Soule Soule Road South South Elem South Elementar South Grafton South River South Row South School South Street Southampton Southelementary Spaulding Spencer Borden Sprague Spring Spring St. Spring Street Springfield Sps Squannacook Squantum Sss St Mary St. Mark Stallbrook Stanley Station Ave Steward/Proctor Stonyhill Stratton Stratton/Bishop Studley Studly Summer Street Sumner Ave Sumner Elem. Sunderland Sunderland Elem Sunita Williams Sutton Elem. Swampscott Swasey Swasey Central Sweetsir Swift River Sylvia Taft Taft Elc Taft/Whitin Taunton Taunton Elem Tbd Teaticket Templeton Eleme Tenney Tenney Grammar Tes Thacher The Whitin Thomas J. Kenny Thomas M Ballie Thomas Prince Thomas Willett Thompson Thoreau Thorndyke Rd Tilton Tilton Es Timony Timony School Tobin K-8 Townsend Tps Tracy Tracy Elementar Trinity Academy Triton Trotter Trotter Element Tucker Element. Turners Falls Tyng Elementary Tyngsboro Tyngsboro Eleme Tyngsborough Es Underhill Underwood Union 38 Up Academy Varies Varnum Varnum Brook Varnum Brook Es Verify Verify W/Town Veterans Veterans Mem. Village Village School Vinal Vinson Owen Vinson-Owen W. Brookfield W. Parish W.B. Elementary Walnut Square Walsh Walton School Wampatuck Ward Ward Elementary Wareham Wareham Elem Warren Warren Elementa Warren Prescott Warren/Mindess Warwick Warwick Comm. Washington Waterford/Elm Watson Elem Wawecus Wayland Wayland Elem Wbes Wces We Webster Webster School Wellesley Wellfleet Wellington Wellington Es Wellington* Wes Wessagusset Wessagussett West West Barnstable West Brookfield West El West Elementary West Elm West Memorial West Parish West Plymouth West Somerville West Tisbury West Villages Westford Westford Public Westminster Westminster Ele Westminster Elm Weston Weston Elem Weston Public Westport Westport Elem. Westport Elemen Wgs Whalen Whately Elem Whes Whitin Whitman School Whittemore Wildwood Wilkins Willard William Greene William Russell Williams Williams Interm Williamstown Williard Winn Brook Winn Brook * Winship Winslow Winter Hill Com Winthrop Wolf Swamp Wollaston Wompatuck Wood Wood Elementary Woodland Woodland Elemen Woodsdale Woodville Woodward Wpd Wps Wrentham Wrentham Elemen Yarmouth Yelle Yes Zervas Exterior Features Balcony Balcony - Exterior Balcony / Deck Balcony/Deck Cistern Water Storage Courtyard Decorative Lighting Drought Tolerant/Water Conserving Landscaping Fruit Trees Garden Horses Permitted Kennel Lighting Other Outdoor Shower Permeable Paving Professional Landscaping Rain Gutters Sprinkler System Stone Wall Storage Tennis Court(s) Varies per Unit Fireplace Features Bath Bedroom Dining Room Electric Family Room Gas Kitchen Living Room Master Bedroom Propane Wood / Coal / Pellet Stove Wood Burning Flooring Bamboo Carpet Concrete CRI Green Label Plus Certified Carpet Engineered Hardwood Flooring - Hardwood Flooring - Marble Flooring - Stone/Ceramic Tile Flooring - Vinyl Flooring - Wall to Wall Carpet Flooring - Wood Hardwood Laminate Marble Other Parquet Particle Board Pine Plywood Renewable/Sustainable Flooring Materials Stone / Slate Tile Vinyl Vinyl / VCT Wood Wood Laminate Foundation Details Block Brick/Mortar Concrete Perimeter Granite Irregular Other Slab Stone Thermally Broken Foundation/Slab Frontage Type Golf Course Green Energy Efficient Attic Vent Elec. Other (See Remarks) Partial Thermostat Varies per Unit Green Energy Generation Solar Green Indoor Air Quality Contaminant Control Integrated Pest Management Paints & Finishes - Low VOC Paints & Finishes - Zero VOC Green Water Conservation ET Irrigation Controller Gray Water System Low Flow Toilet Low-Flow Fixtures Water Recycling Water-Smart Landscaping Heating Active Solar Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) Baseboard Central Common Ductless Electric Electric Baseboard ENERGY STAR Qualified Equipment Extra Flue Fan Coil Fireplace Fireplace(s) Floor Furnace Forced Air Geothermal Gravity Ground Source Heat Pump Heat Pump Hot Water Humidity Control Hydro Air Hydronic Floor Heat(Radiant) Individual Leased Propane Tank Natural Gas None Oil Other Passive Solar Pellet Stove Propane Radiant Space Heater Steam Unit Control Wall Furnace Wood Wood Stove High School . .Electricity! 6289 A.H.S. A/B Aarsd Ab High Ab Regional Abhrs Abington Abington High Abrhs Academy Aces Act/Box High Act-Box High Acton Boxboro Acton/Boxboro Acton-Boxboro Acton-Boxboroug Agawam Agawam High Ahs Algon/Assabet Algonquin Algonquin Hs Algonquin Regio Alvirne Ames Amesbury Amesbury High Amh Reg High Amherst Amherst High Amherst Hs Amherst Reg Andover Andover High Andover High Sc Andover Hs Apponequet Apponequet High Apponequet Reg Apponequet Regi Apponequet Rhs Apponequet/Oc Aprhs Arhs Arlington Arlington High Arlington Hs Arrsd Ashland Ashland High Ashland Hs Asrsd Athol High Athol High Scho Athol Hs Attleboro Attleboro High Auburn Auburn High Auburn Hs Ayer Shirley Ayer/Shirley Ayer/Shirley Hs Ayer-Shirley B.M.C. Durfee B/R Regional Hs Barnstable Barnstable High Barnstable Hs Bartlet/Baypath Bartlett Bartlett High Bartlett Hs Bc High School Bedford Bedford High Belchertown Belchertown Hs Bellingham Hs Belmont Belmont High Belmont Hs Berlin High Sch Bev High School Beverly Beverly H.S. Beverly High Bhs Bhs Sturgis Ucv Bhs Uct Sturgis Bhs Ucvt Sturgi Bhs/Shawsheen Billerica High Billerica Hs Bm Regional Bmc Durfee Bmc Durfee Hs Bmhs Bmhs/Shaw Tech Bmhs/Shawsheen Bmr Bmr High Bmr Highschool Bos. Collegiate Boston Boston College Boston Inter Boston Intern. Boston Internat Boston Latin Boston Latin Ac Boston Pub. Sch Boston Public Bourne Bourne High Bourne High Sch Bourne Hs Bps Bps/Latin By Ex Bps/Private Br B-R Br Regional Br/Bp Braintree Braintree High Braintree Hs Brhs Bridgewater-Ray Brighton High Brockton Brockton H. S. Brockton High Bromfield Bromfield Hs Brookline Brookline H.S. Brookline High Brookline Hs Brrhs Bu Academy Burke High Burlington High Burncoat Burncoat High Bwtr-Raynham C.H.S. Call Supt Cambridge Canton Canton High Carver High Case High Cchs Central Central High Central Hs Charlestown Chelmsford Chelmsford H.S. Chelmsford High Chelmsford Hs Chelsea Chelsea High Chicopee Chicopee High Choice Choice/Lottery Chs Classical Clinton Clinton H.S. Clinton High Cmhs Codman Academy Cohasset Cohasset High Cohasset Hs Con/Car Reg Hs Conc/Carlisle Concord High Concord/Carlisl Concord-Carlisl Concordcarlisle Cps Cranston East Cristo Rey Crls Ctown Hs Cumberland Hs D.R. Regional D/R Regional D/S H.S. Danvers Danvers H.S. Danvers High Dartmouth Dartmouth High Dartmouth Hs David Prouty Dedham Dedham High Dedham Hs Denis-Yarmouth Dennis Yarmouth Dennis-Yarmouth Dept Of Ed Dhs Dhs/Stang Dhs/Voke Dighton-Rehobot Diman Durfee Doherty Doherty High Doherty Hs Doherty Mhs Dorchester Dorchester Acad Dorchester High Douglas Dover Sherborn Dover/Sherborn Dover-Sherborn Dr Dr High School Dr Regional Dr Regional Hs Dracut Dracut High Dracut Hs Dracut Senior Dracut Senior H Drrhs Drury D-S High School Dshs Dsrhs Dudley Dudley-Charlton Durfee Durfee Hs Duxbury Duxbury High Dy Dy Regional E. Boston High E.Boston High East Boston East Longmeadow Easthampton Easthampton Hs Easton High Ebhs Edison Academy Egleston Egleston High Ehs Elhs English English High English/Classic Eo Smith Everett High Everett Hs Excel Excel High Exeter High Fairhaven Fairhaven High Fairhaven Hs Falmouth Falmouth High Falmouth Hs Fecteau-Leary Fhs Fhvn Fhvn Hs Fitch Senior Fitchburg Fitchburg High Fitchburg Hs Foxboro High Foxboro Hs Framingham High Framingham Hs Franklin Franklin H.S. Franklin High Franklin High S Franklin Hs Frhs Frontier Frontier Reg Gardner Gardner High Gardner Hs/Acad Gardner Public Gdhs Gdrhs Georgetown Georgetown Hs Ghs Gloucester Gloucester High Glouceter H.S. Grafton Grafton High Granby Granby Jr/Sr Granby/Macduffy Greenfield Greenfield Hs Groton Dunst Groton-Dunstabl Ham Wen High Hamilton Wenham Hamilton-Wenham Hamp Reg Hamp Reg Hs Hamp Reg. Hamp Regional Hampshire Reg Hampshire Reg. Hampshire Regio Hanover Hanover High Haverhill Haverhill High Haverhill Hs Henderson Henderson K-12 Hhs High High & Tech High School Hingham Hingham High Hingham High Sc Hingham Hs Hms Holbrook Holliston Holliston High Holliston Hs Holyoke Holyoke High Holyoke Hs Hoosac Valley Hopedale Jr/Sr Hopedale Senior Hopkins Hopkins Academy Hopkinton Hrhs Hudson High Hudson High Sch Hull Hull High Hwrhs Hyde Park Ihs Includes All Ipswich Ipswich High J.E. Burke Jeremiah Burke John O'bryant Joseph Case Jr/Sr High Junior/Senior K.P.H.S. King Philip King Philip Reg King Phillip King Phillip Hs Kp High Kphs Kpregional Latin Academy Lawrence High Lawrence Hs Leadership Acad Lee Lee High Leicester Leicester High Lenox Memorial Leominster Leominster High Lexington Lexington High Lexington Hs Lhs Lincoln High Lincoln Sudbury Lincoln/Sudbury Lincoln-Sudbury Littleton Hs Local Location! Londonderry Hs Longmeadow Longmeadow High Lowell Lowell High Lowell High/Voc Lowell Hs Lowell Public Lps Lps Or Gltech Lshs Lsrhs Ludlow Ludlow High Ludlow Hs Lunenburg Lunenburg Hs Lynn Classical Lynn English Lynn High Lynn Tech Lynnfield M.H.S. Madison Mahar Mahar Reg Mahar Regional Malden Malden High Manc/Essex Manchester Mansfield High Marblehead Marblehead High Marlboro High Marlborough Hig Marlborough Hs Marshfield Marshfield High Marshfield Hs Masco Masconomet Masconomet Hs Masconomet Reg Mashpee Mashpee Hs Maynard High Maynard/Amsa Maynard/Assabet Medfield Medfield High Medfield Hs Medford Medford High Medford Hs Medway High Medway Hs Melrose High Memorial Memorial High Memorial Hs Merhs Mers Mersd Mersd High Methuen Methuen High Methuen Hs Mgrhs Mh High Mhc Mhd Mhd High School Mhs Middle High Middle/High Middleboro Middleboro H.S. Middleboro High Middleboro Hs Middleboro/Bp Middleborough Milford High Millbury Millbury Hs Millbury Jr/Sr Millbury Senior Millis Millis High Milton Milton High Minnechaug Minnechaug Reg Minnechaug Rhs Mmrhs Mohawk Mohawk Hs Mohawk Tr Rhs Mohawk Trail Monomoy Monomoy Hs Monson High Monument Mt Monument Mtn Mount Greylock Mps Mrhs Mt Everett Mt Greylock Mt Greylock Reg Mt. Greylock Mt. Hope Mtrh Mtrhs Murdock Mv Regional Mv Regional Hs Mvrhs N A High School N Brookfield N Q H N South N. Quincy High N. Reading Hs Na Na High Nahs Nahs/Bfhs Nams Narragansett Narragansett Hi Narragansett Hs Nashoba Nashoba Reg Nashoba Regiona Nashoba Reg'l Nashua High S Natick Natick High Natick Hs Nauset Nauset Regional Nb High Nb Voke Nb High School Nb Voke Nbhs Nbhs Or Vtec Nbhs/Gnbvhs Nbhs/Gnbvths Needham Needham High Needham Hs New Bedford New Bedford Hs New Beford High New High School New Mission New Mission Hs Newburyport Newburyport Hig Newburyport Hs Newton Newton North Newton South Newton South Hs Nh Nhs Nhs / Smith Voc Nhs/Smith Voc Nipmuc Nipmuc Regional Nipmuc/Bvt Nmhs Nmrhs Nmrs Nmrsd Nnhs Nnhs Or Nshs No. Providence Nomiddlesexreg North North Andover North High North Hs North Middlesex North Quincy North Quincy Hs North Reading North/South Northampton Northampton Hs Northbridge Norton Norton High Norwell High Norwell Hs Norwood Norwood High Norwood Hs Nps Nqhs Nqhs Or Qhs Nr High Nrhs Nrms Nshs N'ton High Oa Oakmont Oakmont Reg O'bryant O'bryant School Of Choice Old Roch Reg Old Rochester Oliver Ames Orr Orr /Tabor Orrhs Oxford H. S. Palmer Palmer High Palmer Hs Pawtucket Pboe Pembroke Pembroke High Pembroke Hs Pentucket Pentucket High Pentucket Hs Pentucket Reg Per Board Ed Per Board Of Ed Per Boe Per Dept Of Ed Phs Pinkerton Pinkerton Acdmy Pioneer Pioneer H S Pittsfield Plymouth Plymouth High Plymouth North Plymouth South Pmhs Pnhs Pondside! Prouty/Choice Pshs Public Public/Private Putnam High Pvmhs Pvms Pvrs Qhs Qrmhs Qrmshs Qrsd Quabbin Quabbin High Quabbin Regiona Quaboag Quaboag High Quaboag Reg. Quaboag Region Quaboag Regiona Quincy Quincy High Quincy Hs Quincy Public Randolph Randolph H.S Randolph High Randolph High S Reading High Reading Memoria Readingmemorial Regional Revere Revere High Revere Hs Rhs Rmhs Rockland Rockland High Rockport Rockport Hs Rockport Public Salem High Salem High Scho Salem Hs Sandwich Sandwich High Sandwich Hs Sb High Sbrhs School Choice Sci- Tech Sci-Tech Scituate Scituate High Scituate High Scituate Hs See Dept Of Ed See Supt Seekonk Seekonk High Seekonk High Sc Seekonk Hs Sharon Sharon High Sharon Hs Shea High Shep Hill Shepard Hill Shepherd Hill Shepherd Hl/Bp Shhs Shrew/St John's Shrews High Shrews/St Johns Shrewsbury Shrewsbury High Shs Shs / St John's Silver Lake Silver Lake Hs Silver Lake Reg Slrhs Smith Academy Smith Acadmey Som/Berkley Somersetberkley Somerville Somerville High Somerville Hs South South High Southbridge Hs Springfield Sps St Mary's St. Mary's Stgrh Stgrsd Stoneham Stoneham High Stoughton Stoughton High Stoughton Hs Sutton Sutton High Swampscott Swampscott Hs Taconic Tahanto Tantasqua Tantasqua Hs Tantasqua Reg Tantasqua Regio Tantasqua Rsrhs Tantasqua Sr Tantasqua Sr Hi Tantasqua Sr. Taunton H.S. Taunton High Taunton Hs Tech Boston Techboston Tewksbury Hs Tewksbury Mem. Tfhs Ths Ths / Bp / Ba Timberlane Timberlane Hs Tmhs Town Tps Trinity Academy Triton Triton High Triton Regional Trsd Turners Falls Tyngsboro Tyngsboro High Tyngsborough Hs Uhs Uxbridge High Uxbridge Hs Various Veterans Mem W Academy W. Academy W. Bridgewater W.B. High Wachusett Wachusett H S Wachusett Reg Wachusett Reg. Wachusett Rhs Wachusett Wrhs Waconah Wahconah Wahconah Reg Wahconah Reg. Wahconah Region Wakefield Wakefield High Wakefield Mem Wakefield Memor Walpole High Walpole Hs Walpole Sr Waltham Waltham High Waltham Hs Ware High Wareham Wareham High Wareham Hs Watertown Watertown High Watertwn High Wayland High Wayland Hs Wb Mshs Wbmsh Wellesley Wellesley High Wellesley Hs West Roxbury Hs Westboro High Westborough Westfield Westfield High Westford Acad Westford Academ Westford/Nvt Westfordacademy Weston Weston High Weston Hs Weston Public Westport Westport H S Westport High Westport Hs Westwood Westwood High Weymouth Weymouth High Weymouth High S Weymouth Hs Whaling City Whitman Whitman Hanson Whitman_Hanson Whitman-Hanson Whrhs Whs Whs/Shaw Tech Wilmington High Winchester Winchester High Winnacunnet Winthrop Wmhs Woburn High Woburn Memorial Woburn Senior Woonsocket Hs Worcester Tech Wps Wrhs Wshs Wst Middle / Hs Yes Horse Amenities Paddocks Interior Features 1/4 Bath 3/4 Bath Accessory Apt. Archway Attic Access Balcony - Interior Bathroom Bathroom - 1/4 Bathroom - 3/4 Bathroom - Double Vanity/Sink Bathroom - Full Bathroom - Half Bathroom - Tiled With Shower Stall Bathroom - Tiled With Tub Bathroom - Tiled With Tub & Shower Bathroom - With Shower Stall Bathroom - With Tub Bathroom - With Tub & Shower Bathroom with Shower Stall Bathroom With Tub Bathroom With Tub & Shower Beadboard Beamed Ceilings Bedroom Bonus Room Breakfast Bar / Nook Breezeway Cabinets - Upgraded Cable Hookup Cathedral Ceiling(s) Cathedral/Vaulted Ceilings Cedar Closet(s) Ceiling Fan(s) Center Hall Central Vacuum Chair Rail Closet Closet - Double Closet - Linen Closet/Cabinets - Custom Built Coffered Ceiling(s) Countertops - Paper Based Countertops - Stone/Granite/Solid Countertops - Upgraded Country Kitchen Crown Molding Den Dining Area Dining Room Double Vanity Dressing Room Elevator Enclosed Shower - Fiberglass Entrance Foyer Entry Hall Exercise Room Family Room Finish - Cement Plaster Finish - Earthen Plaster Finish - Sheetrock Foyer Gallery Game Room Great Room Handicap Equipped High Speed Internet High Speed Internet Hookup Home Office Home Office-Separate Entry Inlaw Apt. In-Law Floorplan Internet Available - Broadband Internet Available - DSL Internet Available - Fiber-Optic Internet Available - Satellite Internet Available - Unknown Kitchen Kitchen Island Laundry Chute Lead Certification Available Library Lighting - Overhead Lighting - Pendant Lighting - Sconce Live-in Help Quarters Living RM/Dining RM Combo Living Room Living/Dining Rm Combo Loft Media Room Mud Room Mudroom Nursery Office Office/Den Open Floorplan Other Pantry Pedestal Sink Peninsula Philadelphia Play Room Pot Filler Faucet Recessed Lighting Sauna/Steam/Hot Tub Single Living Level Sitting Room Slider Smart Thermostat Solar Tube(s) Steam / Sauna Stone/Granite/Solid Counters Storage Studio Study Sun Room Sunken Sunroom Upgraded Cabinets Upgraded Countertops Vaulted Ceiling(s) Vestibule Wainscoting Walk-In Closet(s) WaterSense Fixture(s) Wet bar Wine Cellar Wired for Sound Laundry Features Attic Access Bathroom - 1/4 Bathroom - 3/4 Bathroom - Full Bathroom - Half Beadboard Breezeway Cabinets - Upgraded Cable Hookup Ceiling - Beamed Ceiling - Cathedral Ceiling Fan(s) Closet - Cedar Closet - Double Closet - Linen Closet - Walk-in Closet/Cabinets - Custom Built Common Area Countertops - Stone/Granite/Solid Countertops - Upgraded Crown Molding Deck - Exterior Dryer Hookup Dryer Hookup - Dual Dryer Hookup - Electric Dryer Hookup - Gas Dryer Hookups in Unit Electric Dryer Hookup Exterior Access First Floor Flooring - Hardwood Flooring - Laminate Flooring - Marble Flooring - Stone/Ceramic Tile Flooring - Vinyl Flooring - Wall to Wall Carpet Flooring - Wood Fourth Floor French Doors Gas Dryer Hookup Gas Stove Handicap Accessible Handicap Equipped In Basement In Building In Unit Laundry Chute Laundry Closet Lighting - Overhead Lighting - Pendant Lighting - Sconce Main Level Off-Site Paints & Finishes - Low VOC Paints & Finishes - Zero VOC Pantry Pedestal Sink Recessed Lighting Remodeled Second Floor Skylight Slider Third Floor Vestibule Wainscoting Walk-in Storage Washer & Dryer Hookup Washer Hookup Washer Hookups in Unit Window(s) - Bay/Bow/Box Window(s) - Picture Lot Features Additional Land Avail. Additional Land Available Cleared Corner Lot Cul-De-Sac Curbs & Gutters Easements Elevated Farm Fill Needed Flood Plain Gentle Sloping Irregular Lot Level Lot Staked Marsh Other Rolling Slope Sidewalks Sloped Steep Slope Storm Drains Underground Storage Tank Wetlands Wooded Zero Lot Line Middle Or Junior School 1lt Charles W. 7-8 Abigail Abigail Adams Abington Abington Middle Aces Adams Adams Ms Agawam Ahern Albert F. Alden Alfred F. Ford Ames Amesbury Amesbury Middle Amh Reg Middle Amherst Amherst Middle Amherst Ms Amherst Reg Ams Andover Middle Andover West Andover West Mi Andrews Andrews/Mcglynn Annie Sullivan Aprms Argenziano Arhs Arlington Arms Arthur W Coolid Ashfield Ashland Ashland Middle Ashland Ms Asrsd Athol Middle Atlantic Atlantic Middle Auburn Auburn Middle Auburn Public Ayer Shirley Ayer/Shirley Ayer-Shirley Baird Baird Ms Baker Baker/Heath Barnstable Barnstable Inte Beckwith Beebe Belchertown Bellamy Belmont Middle Berkley Middle Bev Middle Sch Beverly Beverly M.S. Beverly Middle B'ham Memorial Bigelow Bigelow Ms Birchland Birchland Park Bird Bird Middle Bis Bis Bms Blake Blake Middle Blanchard Blanchard Mid Bmr Bms Boston Boston Latin Boston Pub. Sch Boston Public Bourne Bourne Middle Bps Bps/Private Braintree Breed Breed Middle Brennan Brennan/Coelho Brent Trottier Bresnahan Bridgewater Mid Bridgewater Ms Broad Meadows Bromfield Brooke Charter Brooks Brown Brown Middle Brown/Oak Hill Bues & Bis Buffer Burbank Burke Burncoat Burncoat Middle Burr Butler C.M.S. Call Supt Call Supt. Cambridge Canton Middle Carlisle Carlisle Campus Carlisle Public Carver Middle Case Jr. Case Junior Hig Cawley Central Central Enroll Central Middle Central Tree Cgs Chalton Middle Chandler Jr Chapman Chapman Middle Char Middle Charles E Brown Charles Pierce Charlton Charlton Middle Charlton Ms Chatham/Monomoy Chatles E.Ms Chenery Chenery Ms Chittick Chocksett Choice Choice Of 2 Choice/Lottery Christos Rey Clark Clarke Clarke/Diamond Clarksburg Clinton Clinton Element Clinton Middle Cmhs Cms Coakley Coelho Coelho Middle Cohasset Cohasset Middle Cohasset Ms Col Moses Parke Collins Collins Middle Community Community K-8 Concord Concord Middle Consentino Constentino Ms Converse Coolidge Cooperative Cps Curley Curley Middle Curtis Curtis Jr High D.L. Beckwith D/S M.S. Daley Darmouth Dartmouth Dartmouth Middl Dartmouth Ms Day Day Middle Day School Dearborn Middle Dearborn Stem Dedham Dedham Middle Dedham Ms Deer Hill Demello/Friends Dennis Yarmouth Dept Of Ed Diamond Diamond Ms Dl Beckwith Dms Dms/Friends Doherty Doherty Middle Donaghue Douglas Douglas Ms Dover Sherborn Dover/Sherborn Dover-Sherborn Dr An Wang Dr Kevin Hurley Dr. Kevin M. Hu Dracut Dracut Ps Driscoll Drury D-S Regional Dsms Dudley Duggan Dupont Duxbury Duxbury Middle Dy E Somerville East East Meadow East Middle Easthampton Easton Jr. High Easton Middle Eliot Ellis School Elm Street Mid Ems Ephraim Curtis Ephrain Curtis Epiphany School Excel Academy Exeter Coop F.A. Day F/L Middle Fa Day Falmouth Flms Florence Sawyer Fms Forest Forest Grove Forest Park Fowler Fowler/Amsa Franklin Ms Free/ Lakeville Free/Lake Ms Free/Lakeville Freeman Freetown Freetown Lakev Freetown/Lake Freetown-Lakevi Freetwn-Lakevil Freidman Middle Frhs Frolio Frontier Frontier Reg Frontier Region Frost Frost Ms Fuller Furnace Brook Fwh Middle G.R.A.I.S. G.R.A.M.S. Galvin Galvin Middle Gardner Gardner Middle Gardner Ms Gardner Public Gates Gates Middle Gdms Gdrms Georgetown Georgetown Ms Gfms Gibbons Gibbs Gibbs/Ottoson Gilbert Hood Glenbrook Glou. P.S Gloucester Gmrsd Gms Grade Grafton Grafton Middle Grais Grais/Flms Granby Granby Jr/Sr Granite Valley Great Falls Greenfield Greenfield Ms Greenwood K-8 Grey Greystone Gro Groton Groton-Dunstabl Hale Hale Middle Haley Halifax Elem Hamp Reg Hamp Regional Hampshire Reg Hampshire Reg. Hampshire Regio Hampton Academy Hanover Hanover Middle Hanson M.S. Hanson Middle Hartnett Hartnett Middle Harvard Hastings Hastings Middle Hastings Ms Hatfield Hawthorn Brook Hawthorne Brook Heart Of Jp Heath Heath/Baker Henderson Henderson K-12 Henry Lord Herberg Hernandez Hernandez K-8 Hi Rock/Pollard Higgins Higgins Middle Higginson-Lewis High Rock Highrck/Pollard Hildreth Hillside Hingham Hingham Middle Hingham Ms Hirock/Pollard Hi-Rock/Pollard Hms Holbrook Holten Richmond Holten/Richmond Holten-Richmond Hoosac Valley Hope Highlands Hopedale Jr/Sr Hopedale Junior Hopkins Hopkins Academy Hopkinton Horace Horace Mann Horace Mann Mid Hotlen Richmond Howard Howe-Manning Hrms Hull Hull Middle Hunking Hunking Middle Hurley Hurley Middle Hurley Middle S Hwrs Hyde Park Hyde Square Ims Intermediate Ipswich Ipswich Middle J.H. Martin J.H.Martin Jabish Jabish Brook Jabish Ms Jackson/Mann James Condon James Timilty Jfk Jfk Middle Jg Whittier Jgms Johan W. Wynn John F Kennedy John F. Kennedy John F. Parker John Glenn John J. Mcglynn John Mccormack John Mcglynn John T Nichols John T Reid John T. Nichols John W. Wynn Johnson Jonas Clarke Joseph Case Jr Joseph H Martin Joseph H.Martin Joseph Lee K-8 Joseph Martin Joyce Joyce Jr. High Joyce Middle Justus Keith Keith Middle Kennedy Kennedy Middle Kennedy Ms Kiley King Philip King Philip Jr King Philip Ms King Philip Reg King Phillip Kingston I. Knock Knox Trail Kp Kp Middle Kpms Kpnorth Kuss Lafayette Lanc Middle Lawence Lawrence Lawrence Middle Lawrence School Lee Lee Middle Leicester Leicester Mid Lexington Lila Frederick Lilia Frederick Lilla Frederick Lilla G. Lillian Jacobs Lincoln Lincoln Complex Lincoln Middle Lincoln School Littleton Midd Littleton Ms Lms Local Locke Locke Middle Longsjo Longsjo Ms Lottery Lowell Public Lps Lunenburg Lurgio Luther Burbank Lynnfield Macdevitt Mahar Mahar Reg Mahar Regional Malden Middle Manc/Essex Manchester Maria Chapman Marie Chapman Mario Umana Marsh Marsh Grammar Marshal Marshall Marshall Simond Marshallsimonds Marshfield Jrhs Martin Martin Middle Masco Masconomet Masconomet Midd Masconomet Reg Mashpee Ms Mattacheese Matthew Thornto Mccall Mccall Middle Mccarthy Mccarthy/Parker Mcdevitt Mcdevitt Middle Mcglynn Mcglynn/ Andrew Mcglynn/Andrews Mckay Mckloskey